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Model 3Y 4PCS Real Carbon Fiber Door Handle Covers

Opprinnelig pris var: $109.00.Gjeldende pris er: $89.00.

SKU: model-3y-4pcs-real-carbon-fiber-door-handle-covers4569168-x75Eof Categories: , ,

This door handle kit provides an upgraded look to your Model 3Y door handles and also provides protection against scratches. dings. or scrapes to your chrome door handles.

Kompatibel modell : Tesla modell 3 2016-2023 og modell Y 2020-2023
Material : Made of REAL Carbon Fiber. 100% brand new and high quality
Protection: Protection against everyday scratches and dings that happen inadvertently throughout the life of your car.
Installation: Super easy to install. comes with the adhesive on the back.just stick them onto existing door handles.






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Model 3Y 4PCS Real Carbon Fiber Door Handle Covers

Opprinnelig pris var: $109.00.Gjeldende pris er: $89.00.

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