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2021-2023 Modell 3/Y Laser Carving Ambient Lights

(2 customer reviews)

Opprinnelig pris var: $799.00.Gjeldende pris er: $655.00.

SKU: 2021-2023-model-3-y-laser-carving-ambient-lights4569148-By0P8f Categories: , Tags: ,


The atmosphere lights are installed to make us more relaxed when driving at night. so as not to doze off when driving. Driving at night is very distracting. This kind of atmosphere lamp can make us energetic when driving. so it can make us safer when driving. In addition. the colorful light can enhance the car’s atmosphere and improve the car’s quality.

  • Bilmodell : 2021+ Modell 3/Y (orginal vehicle with wood front door trim panels)
  • Features:
    with multiple 128 color adjustment of soothing light options
    central console panel touch control
    Saddle light:Using laser laser engraving technology. for Tesla pioneered
    change the light color according to the rhythm of the music
    Low power consumption. non-destructive installation
  • Multi-color: RGB color control. seven colors. and different shades to choose from. you can create your own unique color to provide the perfect upgrade for your car upgrade.
  • Must Have Accessory: A great accessory to equip your Tesla Model 3 Model Y with a new console. Enhance the look and feel of Model 3Y with Teslasy lighting effects.

1. This product only can be installed in Model 3/Y 2021+ with wood front door trim panels

2 reviews for 2021-2023 Modell 3/Y Laser Carving Ambient Lights

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  1. 5
    (2 customer reviews)
    100% of customers recommend this product.
    5 Stars100%4 Stars0%3 Stars0%2 Stars0%1 Star0%
  2. K


    So for this product has lived up to my expectations. I’ve recommended to other Y owners since my installation.

    0 of 0 found this review helpful
  3. C


    Insanely cool accessory I bought this accessory for my Model 3 and couldn’t be happier with it.

    Video #1 fra Carlos
    0 of 0 found this review helpful
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2021-2023 Modell 3/Y Laser Carving Ambient Lights

Opprinnelig pris var: $799.00.Gjeldende pris er: $655.00.

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