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Tesla Model 3/Y steering wheel FSD autopilot assist AP chip

원래 가격: $149.99.현재 가격: $119.99.

SKU: tesla-model-3-y-steering-wheel-fsd-autopil4569153-3pkw1O 카테고리: ,


  • A steering wheel booster improves your care by freeing up your hands and relieving shoulder pain and fatigue while driving long distances.
  • Car vehicle steering wheel FSD autopilot assist AP chip allows you to control the steering wheel without grinding. allowing your knuckles and hands to relax.
  • It can be used while driving and is a unique gift for your parents or a friend who usually drives a car.
  • When you turn on FSD and Free hands. Use it you will not receive the hand-held steering wheel prompt in 10 mins

the maximum time for each FSD autopilot assist AP is 10 분 (you need to grab the steering wheel after the time is up);
In autopilot assist AP mode. it supports manual wheel speed adjustment and left and right distance adjustment;

How to turn on / turn off the FSD autopilot assist AP Mode?

Continuously tap 4 times to enter the autopilot assist AP mode (the button light flashing 3 times);
In the autopilot assist AP mode. press once to exit (the button light flashing 3 times).

DISLAIMER: By purchasing of this item. the buyer declares that he/she is aware of the dangers which are associated with the usage. The buyer declares not to use this product on public roads and he/she is aware that the seller is not responsible/liable for the consequences of the incorrect use of the product.



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Tesla Model 3/Y steering wheel FSD autopilot assist AP chip

원래 가격: $149.99.현재 가격: $119.99.

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