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모델 3/ Y시트 통풍 쿨링 쿠션 시스템


SKU: model-3-y-seat-ventilation-cooling-cushion-system4569170-FzQpBm 카테고리: , 태그:

This retrofit kit for seat ventilation features a low-noise fan to help you cool the seat quickly on hot summer days and keep you cool while driving.

  • 호환 모델: 모델 3 & Y All Years
  • Leather: Perforated Nappa BLACK leather
  • Function:
    Air absorption & heat dissipation
    Rapid ventilation and cooling
    Quiet and lower power
    Intelligent switch (3 gears): Single click to switch wind speed (기어 1 / 2 / 3)


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모델 3/ Y시트 통풍 쿨링 쿠션 시스템


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