Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


How long does shipping take?

Shipping times vary as we do ship worldwide from different fulfillment centers based on your location. The average shipping time is 5-15 days.

Why is my order not being delivered in the time estimated?

Please note that most carriers are closed on national holidays and are not responsible for delays due to weather conditions or natural disasters. Your order confirmation includes all Fedex and DHL tracking numbers. Accurate tracking is not possible until one business day prior to the expected arrival. You can track your order on the login page of our website.

Why was my order shipped in multiple packages?

Some countries impose a value limit on international shipments. If your order is above the limit for your country, your order may be shipped as multiple shipments with separate tracking numbers. Contact your local customs office for more information on the value limits for your country.

When your order has been shipped, we will send you an e-mail with your tracking number and a link to where you can track it online.

If my password forgot how to deal with it?

Send an Email to: Our staff will reset your password as soon as possible.

Where is my order?

You can track your order on Track Your Order. Or if you need team members to help check-up please contact our service team and we will be in touch with a status update.

How to cancel my order?

You can cancel your order only when your order has not been shipped. Please contact us at, we will cancel your order and give you a full refund.

Please contact us if you need return service.

Limited 1 Year Warranty: Coverage includes defects to original product, but does not cover wear and tear, and/or damages caused by installer.

How do I return a faulty product?

If the product is the customized product and in the production, no refund or return without quality problems. After we receive your return, our quality assurance team will check your return. After the inspection is complete, our customer service representative will process your return refund or assist you in placing a replacement order for a replacement.

Return Qualification Requirements:

1). Orders exceed 6 months do not accept return or exchange of goods
2). Orders only accept return or exchange of goods within 3 months;
To be eligible for return, your goods must be unused and in the same condition as the goods you received. Your goods must use the original packaging. Your goods need a receipt or proof of purchase.
3). No return or exchange on customized products (eg., Yoke Steering Wheel)

Refund instructions:

You will be responsible for paying the freight of the returned goods, as well as the possible customs duties and other expenses. Freight is non refundable. If you receive a refund, the return freight will be deducted from your refund.

I want to buy a large number of particular products, do you offer volume discounts?

Please contact us for a quote.