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Luz piloto LED de señal de giro dinámica Tesla modelo Y


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SKU: tesla-model-y-dynamic-turn-signal-led-pilot-light5108121-eOXqKB Category: Tag:


  • Applicability: TESLYE pilot light is suitable for the Tesla model Y in 2020-2023. and is perfectly integrated with the original car slot.
  • Enhanced safety: After installing this pilot light. it can be better visualized in foggy and rainy weather. and it is easier to be observed by the rear car.
  • High Quality Material: Make from high-quality PC material. sealing protection. waterproof and sunscreen. durable and not discolored. you can buy with confidence.
  • IP67 Waterproof: TESLYE pilot light has obtained IP67 waterproof certification. which can achieve short-term water immersion protection and prevent dust ingress.
  • Fashion design: the original car has only one black shell in this position. but it can be removed. and after installing the Speedpark’s navigation lights. it can display driving signals. brake signals. turn signals. and reversing signals. while improving the aesthetics of the back of the car.
  • EASY INSTALLATION: PLUG & PLAY. Non-destructive installation without breaking wires


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Luz piloto LED de señal de giro dinámica Tesla modelo Y


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