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Tesla Model 3/Y steering wheel FSD autopilot assist AP chip

Oprindelig pris var: $149.99.Nuværende pris er: $119.99.

SKU: tesla-model-3-y-steering-wheel-fsd-autopil4569153-3pkw1O Categories: ,


  • A steering wheel booster improves your care by freeing up your hands and relieving shoulder pain and fatigue while driving long distances.
  • Car vehicle steering wheel FSD autopilot assist AP chip allows you to control the steering wheel without grinding. allowing your knuckles and hands to relax.
  • It can be used while driving and is a unique gift for your parents or a friend who usually drives a car.
  • When you turn on FSD and Free hands. Use it you will not receive the hand-held steering wheel prompt in 10 mins

the maximum time for each FSD autopilot assist AP is 10 minutes (you need to grab the steering wheel after the time is up);
In autopilot assist AP mode. it supports manual wheel speed adjustment and left and right distance adjustment;

How to turn on / turn off the FSD autopilot assist AP Mode?

Continuously tap 4 times to enter the autopilot assist AP mode (the button light flashing 3 times);
In the autopilot assist AP mode. press once to exit (the button light flashing 3 times).

DISLAIMER: By purchasing of this item. the buyer declares that he/she is aware of the dangers which are associated with the usage. The buyer declares not to use this product on public roads and he/she is aware that the seller is not responsible/liable for the consequences of the incorrect use of the product.



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Tesla Model 3/Y steering wheel FSD autopilot assist AP chip

Oprindelig pris var: $149.99.Nuværende pris er: $119.99.

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