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Model 3/Y Center Console USB Charging Hub

Oprindelig pris var: $89.99.Nuværende pris er: $69.99.

SKU: model-3-y-center-console-usb-charging-hub4569151-EE8vME Categories: ,

Kompatibel model : Tesla model 3 and Tesla Model Y


  • With one Type-c ports and two USB ports. it enables more devices to be charged.
  • LED ambient light design; The light color can be switched to purple. white and ice-blue.
  • The PD port enables 27W of charging power. so you can enjoy fast charging
  • No need to disassemble or destroy the center control. does not affect the use of the center switch and storage box. just a simple operation can be completed. and perfect fit on the center edge.; No need to disassemble or destroy the center control. does not affect the use of the center switch and storage box.



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Model 3/Y Center Console USB Charging Hub

Oprindelig pris var: $89.99.Nuværende pris er: $69.99.

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